
Continuous Tone Image: This is a image that all variations of color can be represented.
Resolution: This is used for the pixel count of an image.
File Size: The amount of disk space used by a file.
Target Audience: An certain group of people that you want to send a message to
Message: Communication sent to a person 
Work Ethic: A principle that is about hard work
Employability Skills: How well you work with others; good manners, social skills, and respect others
20/20 Rule: After every 20 minutes you look away 20 feat away and for 20 seconds
Right-To-Know Laws: In a work place you have the right to know what you are being exposed to
Icon: An image that conveys it message of what its about
Vector-Based Graphics: Uses graphics such as line, points, curves, and shapes.
Specs/Specifications of a Project: The rules on how you are supposed to do your job.
Dialog Box (within an application): Tells about yourself and others facts that will let your boss know you better Palette (within an application): Experience you have in your line of work
Guidelines: A set direction
Extensions: Something that expends something to be longer
Contextual Menu: A menu with a limited set of choices
Clipping Mask: how artwork on a layer is hidden or removed
Hue: Different reflected color wavelengths
Primary Colors: The 3 main colors red, yellow, and blue
Secondary Colors: Mixing 2 main colors you get secondary these include; orange, green, violet.
Tertiary Colors: You get these by mixing a main color and secondary these include; Red-orange,Yellow-Orange,Yellow-Green,Blue-Green,Blue-Violet, and Red-Violet. 
Neutral Colors: These colors you cant see on color wheel they are; black, gray, white, and brown.
Typography: The art of expressing ideas through the selection of appropriate typefaces.
Typeface: It is creating and modifying type using a variety of illustration techniques.
Serif: A small line used to finish off a main stroke of a letter.
Body Type: Type sizes that range from 4 pt to 12 pt type. 
Display Type: Type sizes above 12 pt.
Reverse Type: Consistes of white type or solid black or darker color background.
Point Size: what a pica is measured in a unit.
Ligatures: When two or more letters are combine as one mark.
Ampersand: A punctuation mark that means "and".
Small Caps: Uppercase letters that have the same weight and height as lowercase. 
Lowercase: They are minuscules.
Uppercase: There are majucules.
Flesh Left: All the text is aligned to the left.
Flesh Right: All the text is aligned to the right.
Centered: All the text is aligned to the center. 
Justified: It fills the line left to right.
Lining: Numbers that have the same height and have the height of a capital letter.
Non-lining: Dont line up,smaller, and same height of small letters.
Leading: The space in between the space in type.
Margin: The white space around the edges of your document. (in In-Deisgn its the important stuff)
Kerning: Adjusting the space between individual characters.
Tracking: Allows you to adjust the space between characters.
Concept: An idea, something formed in one's mind.
Final Product: The end result., how we ultimately communicate to our audience.
Thumbnail: A quick sketch to get thoughts out of your mind and onto paper.
Initial Cap: Larger, decretive capital letters at the beginning of text or a paragraph.